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  • Apex - triangle top accessory
  • Apex - triangle top accessory
  • Apex - triangle top accessory

Apex - triangle top accessory


The name "Apex" was inspired by the sharp, triangular shape of the piece, which creates a striking focal point. Whether you pair it with a shirt, t-shirt, or dress, the Apex elevates your look with its unique design. The black color is timeless and chic, making it the perfect addition to any wardrobe.

Made with local craftsmen and Oofya designers, the Apex is crafted from high-quality satin, giving it a luxurious feel. For an even more elevated look, pair the Apex with a matching satin dress.

  • Model height: 1.80 and wears S-M

    Color: Black

    Made by order.

    Please enquire via email at regarding custom sizing.

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